WG1 – Sustainability in Agriculture

Leader: Giulia Giuffre, Irritec, 

Sustainability Agriculture working group, intends to pay attention to issues concerning the promotion and activation of projects that pursue the sustainable development goals, with a particular focus on irrigation in agriculture:

  • Promotion of correct management of water as part of the solution for food demand, water and energy saving and an important contribution to development of agriculture.

  • Definition of a standard model to calculate savings in water, energy, fertilizers and production increase, for each type of irrigation systems and transition from one irrigation model to another.

  • Promotion of high performance recycling material included in good quality irrigation system in all countries. Proposals for solutions for the problem of plastic in agriculture and related legislation.

  • Collaboration with Associations and Institutions involved in sustainability.

  • Promotion of gender equality in agriculture and irrigation sectors.

  • Identification and partnership with « key people » and associations involved in sustainable agriculture

  • Assessment for the identification and creation of a certified label for sustainable irrigation practices.


Join the group, e-mail to  : Giusy.Inferrera@irritec.com

Participants :

Giusy Inferrera, Irritec : Giusy.Inferrera@irritec.com

Ido Ranan, Netafim : Ido.Raanan@netafim.com

Javier Juarez, Azud : jjuarez@azud.com

Bruno Molle, EIA : exe.advisor@irrigationeurope.eu

Stefania de Pirro, Rivulis : Stefania.De.Pirro@rivulis.com

Davide Vandelli, Ocmis – 

Daniele Zironi, Ocmis – zironi.d@ocmis-irrigation.com

Thibaut Scholasch, Fruition Sciences – thibaut@fruitionsciences.com

Moshi Berenstein, Netafim – moshi.berenstein@netafim.orbia.com

Filiz Dağdelen Günday – ilizdagdelen@poelsan.com

Fleur Martin, EIA communication – communication@irrigationeurope.eu

Sophie Gendre, Arvalis – s.gendre@arvalis.fr

Ramunas Rederis, Consultant – ramunas@laistymas.lt

Santi Singla, Regaber – 

Pablo Carnicero, Regaber – pcarnicero@regaber.com

Paolo Antini, Sentek – pantini@sentek.com.au

Soren Busk, Crysberg –  sb@crysberg.com

Marco Bezzi, WiseConn Europe – mbezzi@wiseconn.com




Sub-WG1: Plastics in irrigation

Leader : Ido Raanan, Netafim

Mission, vision and motivation for the group’s activity: To advance the responsible use of plastic in irrigation in the EU market.

  1. Compose the EIA-PWG position statement (vision) for the use of plastic in irrigation.
  2. Set tangible goals timeline.
  3. Create partnerships with farmers and plastic organizations.
  4. Track and collaborate with standard institutions.
  5. Track and collaborate with ongoing research about plastics in agriculture.
  6. Discussions on end-of-life solutions/ National collection schemes and best practices.
  7. Articles on EIA website for publications of reports from the CPA and the FAO.

Join the Working Group : ido.raanan@netafim.com

Participants : 

Francesco Monteduro : francesco.monteduro@irritroleurope.com

Michel Histel, Norms specialist : m_histel@orange.fr

Fleur Martin  : communication@irrigationeurope.eu

Warren Gorowitz : warren.gorowitz@hunterindustries.com

Jean Bomy : jean.bomy@rivulis.com




Sub-WG1: Taxonomie

Leader : Giusy Inferrera, Irritec


Mission, vision and motivation for the group’s activity: 

EIA launches a continent-wide call for irrigation professionals to join a project aimed at promoting a greater representation of the irrigation industry in the European Taxonomy (EU Regulation 2020/852). This project, that will be carried out with the support of The European House-Ambrosetti, will pave the way for the irrigation sector to develop a future-proof process guideline for the EU Taxonomy application, especially for EIA member companies that will fall into the application of the new CSRD – Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and to identify the key messages for a structured advocacy held by the Association towards Institutions, in particular over the new Environmental Delegated Act that will enter into force as of January 2023.

The project will rely on the input given by a Working Group (5) that will be responsible for providing technical information necessary for the project development, inputs that will be used internally and not publicly disclosed. The current WG is open for new members who are willing to give their technical contribution to the goals of the project.  The workload will correspond to a few hours per month over the 4 months duration of the project. 

Join the Working Group : giusy.inferrera@irritec.com


Participants : 

Attila Kis : kis.attila@poliext.hu

Christina Katsaitick@crysberg.com

Coralie Tavassoli : coralie.tavassoli@urbasense.fr

Damir Cizmek : damir@inaqua.hr

Francesco Monteduro : francesco.monteduro@irritroleurope.com

Bruno Perroni : bruno.perroni@lindsay.com

Marie Laure Cohen : marie-laure.cohen@netafim.com

Pablo Carnicero : pcarnicero@regaber.com

Matjas Glavan : matjaz.glavan@bf.uni-lj.si

Cristian Duschner : cduschner@wiseconn.com

Warren Gorowitz : warren.gorowitz@hunterindustries.com

Fausto Scarabelli : fscarabelli@scarabelli.it

Salvatore Scicchitano : salvatore.scicchitano.com

Join the group : giusy.inferrera@irritec.com

Recent findings/accomplishments of the working group

EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture held a Meeting on January 14, 2025
Tha main topic of this meeting was the preparation of the Advocacy Roundtable on Sustainable Irrigation to be held on Jan 28th.
EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture held a Meeting on July 17th     
During this meeting, the three topics on which the WG is currently working were discussed: European taxonomy, plastics recycling and certification label.
EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture held a Meeting on December 4, 2023
EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture held a Meeting on December 4, 2023
EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture held a Meeting on Oct 3rd  2023
The EIA’ s president Moshi Berenstein and Giusy Inferrera welcomed the participants and and discussed the various ongoing activities of the working group.
EIA Working group Communication and Taxonomy : proposition of a communication strategy for the Taxonomy project
During the latest WG taxonomy and WG Communication meeting on September 11, 2023, we defined a proposition of communication strategy for the taxonomy project, taking into account all the participants suggestions
EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture Meeting – May 10, 2023
The group discussed the synergies between this activity and the consultancy of Ambrosetti House for the EU taxonomy.Ambrosetti House could help in the finalization of the definition of “sustainable irrigation”, the relevant metrics and priorities and in the selection of a reputable certification agency.