EIA Working group Communication and Taxonomy : proposition of a communication strategy for the Taxonomy project

Following the WGs meeting on September 11, 2023 (WG taxonomy and WG Communication), below a proposition of communication strategy for the taxonomy project, taking into account all the participants suggestions.
I propose to communicate in two steps, as the first phase of the project isn’t done yet :
- In September :
Send a press release to the members only by e-mails, informing them about the progress of the taxonomy project and the work already accomplished by the working group.
Include this information on the EIA Q3 Newletters end of September and send it to EIA members
Preparing a series of simple and general posts for the social medias, to demystify taxonomy and attract new members. Post a message per week for 2 months.
Preparing a short email/template (5 or 6 points) with the info regarding both the EIA and Taxonomy, the WG participants could share with their professional networks to attract potential members.
- End of November, as soon as the Position paper is ready :
Two different communications strategies, external and internal : The members must think part of the information is only for them. Benefits to be a member.
- Internal Communication
Send a summary + the Position paper by e-mail to the members. We could create a closed space on the website, dedicated to members only ? ask for a quotation to the webmaster.
- External Communication :
Send the Position paper to the EU. Contact ?
Post the summary + Position paper on EIA website and share it on the social medias.
Include the information on the EIA Q4 Newsletter, end of December and send it to the entire EIA data base (more than 500 contacts).
Publish the summary on Irrigazette January/February 2024 Print edition and send the magazine to the 3250 worldwide administrations entities of Irrigazette data base (ministries of agriculture, ministries of the environment, water agencies, international organizations, chambers of agriculture, etc…).
Publish it on Irrigazette Website (more than 6000 visits per month)
Publish it on Irrigazette January 2024 Newsletter (sent to 6500 contacts).
Send the press release to other European and US magazines (Landscape and Agriculture) : La France Agricole, Reussir fruits et légumes, Paysage actualité, Irrigation Today and Landscaping magazine….
Summary by: Fleur Martin
To join Working group Communication and/or Taxonomy, please send an email to : communication@irrigationeurope.eu