The EIA works closely with an important media partner, Irrigazette (, the only European magazine specialized in the irrigation industry.
Irrigazette is a bi-monthly magazine, in English and French. Well known in the irrigation industry, all irrigation manufacturers have trusted Irrigazette for 30 years.
EIA press releases are published in Irrigazette magazines and online, on a regular basis. They are also published on Irrigazette’s social media pages (facebook and LinkedIn). Irrigazette covers all important EIA events.
APE – Agriculture Platic Environnement
EIA and APE cooperate on the topic of agri-plastic and waste management.
The waste management is a major concern for the EC and, after the SUP directive, all member states are adapting their national legislation. Focused on non-packaging agri-plastics for agriculture, APE aim is to see public authorities identifying the specificity of our products, essential for the farmer and the agricultural production.
APE Europe, created in 2012, representing 80% of the European converters for agri-plastics, has the mission to promote the technical use of plastics in agriculture, and to develop national collection scheme in all European countries, in order to bring a real sustainable solution to farmers, because of the technical and economic efficiency its bring to farmers.
Irrigants d’Europe
Irrigants d’Europe – IE and European Irrigation Association have concluded that a mutual effort in promoting irrigated agriculture would enhance the likelihood of letting the voice of the sector be heard among National and EU institutions and decision makers; IE and EIA, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, have agreed to team up in the pursuit of making closer connections between manufacturers of irrigation equipment and agricultural water stakeholders.
The goal and objectives of this contract are to carry out promotion and lobbying activities at European and international level for the irrigation, agriculture and water management sector.
To achieve this goals, the two associations are planning to :
– Organise or participate in meetings with the Commission, the Council or the European Parliament as well as with organisations in the EU able to affect directly or indirectly the agricultural water management and the irrigated agriculture sector,
– Provide to the European Commission, as well as to public and private bodies, information, opinions and positions on irrigation and water management in agriculture;
– Organize meetings, conferences, forums and webinars, including participation in social networks, courses and programs of cooperation intended to exchange scientific and technical knowledge concerning the use and management of water in agriculture;
The idea is to promote activities highlighting the advantages and positive impacts irrigation and water management in agriculture have on the environment and society in general.
Water Europe
Bruno Molle, EIA executive advisor, has been appointed as leader of a Water Europe “Vision Leadership Team (VLT)” on Water-Smart Rural Areas for the period 2021-2024.
As a reminder, Water Europe (WE) is the voice and promoter of water-related innovation and RTD in Europe:
WE is a purpose-driven multi-stakeholder association representing the whole diversity of the water eco-system with the ultimate objective to achieve a Water-Smart Society.
We strive to increase coordination and collaboration, to enhance the performance of the water service providers, water users, and technology providers, in a sustainable and inclusive way, and to contribute to solving water-related global challenges.
We envision a Water-Smart Society, in which the true value of water is recognised and realised, and all available water sources are managed in such a way that water scarcity and pollution of water are avoided.
Our Water Europe core values revolve around the concepts of connection, leadership and result-orientation, cultivating a culture within the water sector distinguished for its collaborative, innovative and influential spirit.
We are here to foster collaborative initiatives within cross industry sectors; create an enabling environment for water related RTD (projects) and innovation, and pro-actively raise the importance of the water sector.
Farming First
Farming First is a coalition that enjoys the support of more than 180 organisations representing the world’s farmers, scientists, engineers and industry, as well as agricultural development organisations. The coalition exists to identify and promote the many ways in which sustainable agricultural development can be advanced worldwide. With one shared voice, Farming First highlights the importance of improving farmers’ livelihoods as well as the important contribution that agriculture can make to related global issues such as food security, climate change, and biodiversity.
Farming First also aims to build synergies amongst its supporters in promoting the coalition’s mission. It focuses on how stakeholders must work together to enable the many millions of farm families, especially smallholders, to grow more crops sustainably through effective markets, more collaborative research, and committed knowledge sharing.