EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture Meeting – May 10, 2023

EIA Working Group Sustainability Agriculture held a meeting on May 10


  1. Giulia Giuffrè, Irritec
  2. Giusy Inferrera, Irritec
  3. Moshi Berenstein, Netafim
  4. Ido Raanan, Netafim
  5. Stefania De Pirro, Rivulis
  6. Kees Jan van Dongen (MegaGroup Trade),
  7. Bruno Molle, IrrigationEurope Special Participant



  1. Thibaut Scholasch, Fruiti on Sciences
  2. Xavier Corbella, ITC
  3. Amnon Amir, consultant
  4. Voijta Malina , Clever Farm
  5. Tomas Brzobohaty, Clever Farm
  6. Marco Bezzi, XFarms
  7. Paolo Antini, Sentek
  8. Sophie Gendre, Arvalis
  9. Javier Juárez, Azud
  10. Ramunas Rederis, consultant
  11. Pablo Carnicero, Regaber         


  1. Introduction

The EIA’ s president Moshi Berenstein and the Board Member and Group Leader Giulia Giuffrè welcomed the participants and opened the meeting.

  • Call to order, competition law
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approval of minutes of last meeting
  1. Certification labels

The group discussed the synergies between this activity and the consultancy of Ambrosetti House for the EU taxonomy. Ambrosetti House could help in the finalization of the definition of “sustainable irrigation”, the relevant metrics and priorities and in the selection of a reputable certification agency.


NEXT STEPS: sharing our certification label’s project with Francesco Dubini (Ambrosetti House) to introduce the topic in preparation for EU taxonomy project kick off meeting to be held on May 16th


  1. EU Taxonomy

Follow up on EIA position paper project: the contract with Amborsetti House was signed.

Bruno gave an overview of the list of participants to the Project groups, including universities.

NEXT STEPS: Bruno will send the complete list of participants to the working groups to this group before the kickoff meeting of May 16th.


  1. Plastic collecting and recycling in agriculture.

Ido Raanan, Leader of the group “sustainable plastic use in irrigation WG” (PWG) gave us updates about the activities regarding the possible partnerships with APE and TEPPFA.

Discussions are under way to see if their framework can be applied to end-of-life management for irrigation products (specifically accessories).

NEXT STEPS: Ido will update us


  1. Side event in the World Water Week (https://worldwaterweek.org/programme-2023/theme-2023/2023-thematic-scope). We are assessing the possibility to participate in 2024, best would be presenting the position paper on this occasion.

NEXT STEPS: improving EIA’s marketing through its members’ promotion in order to increase the budget for possible future participation. EIA’s member should be EIA’s ambassadors: topic to be discussed with the communication WG.


  1. COP28 participation

We’ll think of a way to participate as EIA in 2024.

NEXT STEPS: improving EIA’s marketing through its members’ promotion in order to increase the budget for possible future participation. topic to be discussed with the communication WG.

Summary by: Giusy Inferra


To join this group, please send an email to : communication@irrigationeurope.eu