Leader: Michaël Fayaud, Urbasense
Michael poposes to prioritise the work on the production of “minimum technical specifications”, which will enable the industry to align its standards with our work and discussions on the European Taxonomy.
These document(s) could be used by decision-makers to help them improve the design and operation of irrigation facilities, these could help us design the first step of a certification framework discussed during the Taxonomy project.
Here are some ideas to be discussed as part of this work :
- The questions concerning the control of water use according to the type of application (residential, green spaces, sports fields, golf courses, green walls and roofs…), and environnemental goals to be reached
- The auditing of urban irrigation projects, an issue closely linked to the previous one
- The definition of performance criteria for a watering installation in a landscape context: making different between one-time (field diagnosis) and long-term use;
- The definition of performance criteria for the use of integrated watering installations in a landscape context (would be valid for a period e.g. one year), and the methodology and rules for using these criteria
Join the group :michael.fayaud@urbasense.fr
Participants :
- Séverine Thomas, INRAE – severine.tomas@inrae.fr
- Xavier Botrel, Rain Bird – xbotrel@rainbird.eu
- Joao Florido, Norma Group – joao.florido@normagroup.com
- Warren Gorowitz, Hunter – warren.gorowitz@hunterindustries.com
- Santiago Casanella, Hunter – santiago.casanellaroca@hunterindustries.com
- Ramunas Rederis – ramunas@laistymas.lt

Leader: Santiago Casanella, Hunter Industries
This WG focuses on the promotion of smart irrigation solutions in urban areas.
The Goal of the group : To be able to provide a kind of White Book for the Urban Landscape
Examples of themes addressed in this working group are:
- The importance of Green Areas/Landscape in the Cities
- Green Roofs and Living Walls, urban forests.
- New parks.
- The use of devices that reduce water consumption.
- Centralization of irrigation systems.
- Smart Cities.
- Maintenance of green areas.
- Rainwater harvesting.
- Sustainability (Ecolabels, Bream and LEED certifications).
- Best irrigation practices etc.
Join the group : santiago.casanellaroca@hunterindustries.com
Participants :
Xavier Botrel – xbotrel@rainbird.eu
Lorenzo Arcangeli – lorenzo.arcangeli@hunterindustries.com
Ramunas Rederis – ramunas@laistymas.lt
Joao Florido – joao.florido@normagroup.com
Rafael Diaz – rafaeldiaz@riegoturf.com
Damir Čizmek –damir@inaqua.hr
Dorothea Sulzbacher – dorothea.sulzbacher@lite-soil.com
Coralie Tavassoli – coralie.tavassoli@urbasense.fr
Harm de Visser – hdevisser@megagrouptrade.com
Miguel Agostinho – geral@hortus.pt

Recent findings/accomplishments of the working group