EIA Working 2 (Urban Landscape) : Final Policy Brief Urban Landscape

EIA Working Group 6 : Final Policy Brief Urban Landscape

The EIA WG 2 held a meeting on March 6, 2023

Participants :

Bruno Molle / EX.Advisor  EIA

Xavier Botrel / RainBird Europe

Lorenzo Arcangeli / Hunter Industries

Rafael Diaz/ Riegoturf

Joao Florido / Norma Group

Damir Cizmek / Inaqua

Coralie Tavassoli /Urbasense

Santi Casanella / Hunter Industries (leader)


  1. Introduction


The WG leader, Santi Casanella, welcomed the participants and opened the meeting.

He reminded participants about the EIA Code of Conduct and the necessary need to always respect its provisions during and around the meeting, including breaks.

The agenda and the minutes of the last meeting held on 5th September were comment and approved


  1. Agenda point 

Bruno Molle, the EIA Executive Advisor, presented to the group a summary of the 5 topics developed by the Working Group last year, with the aim of establishing a White Paper. Everyone gave their opinion about the draft summarize send by Bruno (see the pdf attached). 



3- Agenda point


Were agreed to introduce some points regarding irrigation on the summarized done.

Damir mentioned the points he and Rob done on their subgroup that are the ones that agree maybe included on the summarize for the EIA.

Also Rafa mentioned that will be good to mention that with irrigation landscape will look better and will strengthen all the benefits of green areas.

Joao mentioned that will be good to work on other subjects we spoke at the beginning, but was decide that this will be better to propose some of them as a new WG for the future.

Lorenzo mentioned that we have to give general information of the subjects and not to go deeply on them as we may pass the limit of be independent and work maybe misunderstood.


  1. Miscellaneous

Will work on the inputs raised during the meeting and send a policy Brief to Fleur for the English review of the document and later to pass to the EIA Communication group and see how they want to divulge


Summary by: Santiago Casanella


To join this group, please send an email to : communication@irrigationeurope.eu


Final Policy Brief Urban Landscape-


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