Urban Landscape Working Group: Draft White Paper.

Urban Landscape Working Group: Draft White Paper

Each WG2 participant was assigned a topic to develop, with the aim of establishing a kind of white paper.

The participants started to work on each topic and sent a first draft of their work.

5 topics are developed by the WG :


  1. The need of green spaces in urban environments. (By Joao Florido)
  2. No blue, no green. No irrigation, no relevant benefits of green areas. ( Tomás Brzobohatý & Lorenzo Arcangeli)
  3. More blue with less water. Improving the efficiency of irrigation systems and steps to take on defective stablished irrigation systems. (Tomás Brzobohatý & Rafael Diaz)
  4. Right irrigation designs, right irrigation products, right irrigation installation, right irrigation maintenance to maximize the benefits of green areas at long term. (Damir Cizmek& Rob Hoogeveen)
  5. Current products, water management systems and maintenance procedures to maximize the water efficiency on irrigation systems for green areas (Xavier Botrel & Santi Casanella)








View Resources


The need of green spaces in urban environments


No blue, no green


More blue with less water


Right Irrigation Design


Current products, water management systems and maintenance procedures to maximize the water efficiency