EIA Working Group 2 (Urban Landscape) held a meeting on September 12, 2021

The participants were : Tomás Brzobohatý, Damir Cizmek from Inaqua, Rafael Diaz from Riegoturf, Lorenzo Arcangeli from Hunter, Ramunas Rederis from Sodo, Joao Florido from Norma, Santi Casanella from Hunter
The absences were: Xavier Botrel from RainBird, Paul Van Breda from VBS, Vojtech Malina from Clever fram, Rob Hoogeveen from Certified design
It was decided by the group to develop 5 topics of interest, and to and to divide the work among the different participants.
- The need of green areas in urban environments.
- No blue, no green. No irrigation no relevant benefits of green areas.
- More blue with less water. Improving the efficiency of irrigation systems and steps to take on defective stablished irrigation systems.
- Right irrigation designs, right irrigation products, right irrigation installation, right irrigation maintenance to maximize the benefits of green areas at long term.
- Current products, water management systems and maintenance procedures to maximize the water efficiency on irrigation systems for green areas.
The topic nº3 developped by Tomás Brzobohatý and Rafael Diaz and topic nº5 developped by Santiago Casanella, have been done.Thomas and Lorenzo are working on the topic 2, but it is still not finished.
Santiago requested the rest of the groups to see if they may work on their asignments and send something before the next meeting, which will be held end of September.
Santi also asked to all the participants if they want to review the 2 topics developed and if they want to do some comment or to add some input on what has been wrote.