WG 5 – Waste Water Reuse

Leader: Bruno Molle, Inrae

We do not need to remind ourselves of the need to rationalize the use of water and the necessary evolution towards a circular economy of resources.

The group’s objectives are to share technical experiences and the difficulties encountered in the development of Wastewater Reuse projects; identify the constraints involved (technology, risk mitigation), which are very different from those of a standard irrigation project :

  • Access to public data, decision-support tools and relevant research.
  • To produce thematic technical notes for EIA members.
  • To identify project leaders at European level and their national counterparts.
  • To integrate these elements into a knowledge transfer policy.
  • To be part and parcel of a regional development policy.
  • To contribute towards the revision of the regulations

Join the groupbruno.molle@inrae.fr


Damir Čizmek – damir@inaqua.hr
Sophie Gendre – s.gendre@arvalis.fr
Manuel Marti – Manuel.Marti@hunterindustries.com
Sebastian Schifris – Seba.Schifris@netafim.com
Fabrice Montbarbon : fabrice.montbarbon@greencityzen.fr

Matjaz Glavan : matjaz.glavan@bf.uni-lj.si

Rozalija Cvejic : rozalija.cvejic@bf.uni-lj.si

Spela Zeleznikar : spela.zeleznikar@bf.uni-lj.si

Rémi DECLERCQ : remi.declercq@ecofilae.fr



Recent findings/accomplishments of the working group

The reuse of wastewater is submitted to a permit delivered by the relevant national authority.  All the elements mentioned below shall be summarized in a Water Reuse Risk Management Plan drafted by the reclamation facility operator, other operators or the end-user. 
The meeting started with a presentation by Bruno Molle, the leader of the group, about the activities of the Working Group in 2022, and what to do in the froup in the futur.
You will find enclosed 3 docs regarding recent standards in waste water re-use.
After an introduction, each attendant presented his background, experience and expectations from the WG, in short…