WG3 – Standardization

Leader: Michel Histel – Specialist Norms

The EIA encourages its members to collaborate with the national organizations involved in standardization and to support the establishment of comprehensive and quality-orientated international norms and standards.

The EIA recently joined two Technical Committees of the CEN, the European StandardizationCommittee: the CEN/TC 334 (Irrigation techniques) and the CEN/TC 144 (Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, including hose reels machines, center pivots and lateral move systems).

This status of Liaison Partner gives the EIA a unique opportunity to influence the preparation of standards in these two key areas of our industry’s activities.  

The goal of this group is also to published recent EU publications on Standardization in wastewater reuse and Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects.

Join the groupm_histel@orange.fr

List of participants : 

Romeo Dragan – romeo.dragan@rivulis.com
Alessandro Calanna – alessandro.calanna@irritec.com

Recent findings/accomplishments of the working group

The European standardization committee CEN/TC144 held its Plenary Meeting on 06/12/2023. 
20 decisions have been adopted at this 2023 plenary meeting. Participation of 34 experts from 11 delegations of CEN members, 1 representative of CEN/TC liaisons and CCMC.
Machinery:from the Directive to the new Regulation, what changes?
The purpose is to harmonize health and safety requirements apply on machines with a potential danger in their use/transportation and to guarantee free circulation of the machines in the UE market
You will find enclosed 3 docs regarding recent standards in waste water re-use.
EIA Working Group Standardization held a meeting on March 24, 2022
JLT and CMC made a point on current status of standardization in Irrigation, most of the activity is taking part on ISO side, most of CEN WGs are dormant.  The CENTER that assumes the role of secretary of TC334 needs strong technical support as they are in reduced number. 
Round table organized by AFNOR STANDARDIZATION on 20 September 2021
This document gives an update on the activities of CEN and ISO for irrigation equipment.
The EIA was accepted as liaison partner of the European Technical Committee CEN/TC334
The EIA was accepted as liaison partner of the European Technical Committee CEN/TC334…