We are pleased to welcome the company IDBD as EIA member ! 

We are pleased to welcome the company IDBD as EIA member !

The IDBD company is led by Elie Desrues. Returning from his training in irrigation techniques learned in the United States in the 1970s, he pioneered precision automatic sprinkler systems by promoting the technique of incorporated valve-in-head sprinklers and their associated individual head-control. the first computerized control systems installed in France. He was also a pioneer in promoting electro-hydraulic regulation systems for golf pumping stations and then energy-saving regulation obtained by generalizing the variable speed to all pumps.  

Responsible for several decades of the supervision of the integrated design office of the company Sadimato, he participated in the design of irrigation systems on golf courses, racetracks, parks and landscaped cemeteries.

Elie Desrues is an expert recognized by European authorities. Appointed by the CEN (European Committee for Standardization) coordinator of the Technical Committee CEN / TC334 “Irrigation Technics”, he co-wrote the European standard NF EN 12484-1 / 5 “Automatic turf irrigation systems”. He is also co-author of the professional rules of the SYNAA (National Syndicate of Automatic Irrigation), of the encyclopedia and of the technical specifications of the SFG (Société Française des Gazons).

