The EIA held a Spring Irrigation Forum on March 11, 2022

The EIA held a Spring Irrigation Forum on March 11, 2022

The European Irrigation Association (EIA) organized on March 11, 2022  a virtual Spring Irrigation Forum.

The Forum this time was dedicated to the theme of Wastewater Reuse in Irrigation.

Moshi Berenstein, EIA President explains: “We were very happy to exchange with 80 participants from all over Europe and from other continents as well. This responsiveness and the diversification of the attendants motivate us and demonstrate the importance of the role that Irrigation can play in solving one of the most urgent issues in Europe today.

During 2 hours sessions, we attended very interesting presentations whose main themes were sustainable development and innovation.

The Forum began with the president Moshi Berenstein, who presented the association and the agenda, and up-dated on the 6 working groups of the Association. Then Fleur Martin, EIA Communication Officer, welcomed a new member, Azud, who have recently joined the EIA

Then Bruno Molle, EIA executive advisor, introduced Wastewater Reuse topic.

This introduction was followed by 2 presentations of key-note speakers :

– Dr Christoph Hugi, from FHNW Basel, presented : “Wastewater Reuse : focus on the Poseidon tool”. POSEIDON is decision support tool for the selection of the most appropriate technologies for the treatment (purification, reclamation) and reuse of urban wastewater

– Innovation and technology session: Jan Gould, CEO of RDI, presented the RDI technology, a plant-responsive irrigation and fertigation system.

The presentations were followed by an interactive questions and answers sessions and the association’s General Assembly.

The success of the EIA Irrigation Forum demonstrates the increasing interest of industry professionals to be involved, to learn and to have more information on European trends in our industry, sustainability, new technologies and water policy frameworks.

For those who are not yet members, we invite you to join EIA, to promote the continued development of irrigation products, practices and services, and to advocate for sustainable industry standards and water management policies that lead to a stable legal environment for irrigation professionals.


To watch the video of the event :


To become a member of EIA, please register online:


To join one of the 6 Working Groups, please send an email to :






To upload the presentations




Invited speaker 1


Invited speaker 2