Second meeting of EIA Working Group 6 : redesigning the website
Second Working Group 6 meeting held on June 29 and had 4 participants: Fleur Martin – EIA (leader), Vicky Barbouti – Rivulis, Céline Palvadeau – Netafim France, and Keith Bellin – Irritec.
Different topics were discussed during this meeting
Redesigning the EIA website :
Participants had a discussion about about the 3 web agencies selected. They said what they liked/disliked in the different projects presented by these web agencies.
Content and coffee, a web agency based in Brussels with a strong experience in designing international association’s website, was chosen by EIA President, Moshi Berenstein and Communication Officer, Fleur Martin for the project.
Fleur Martin and Moshi Berenstein will have a kick off meeting with the web designers on July 5. So the web agency will send a prototype in the beginning of September. The project will run until the end of october.
Editorial committee
Aim of the Editorial committee is to propose and select articles to develop EIA website content and create a technical library for members.The articles must be technically and agronomically satisfactory and no-commercial oriented.
Fleur Martin sent a selection of articles one week before the meeting : 3 articles from Irrigazette May/June edition and 3 articles sent by one of the WG6 participants.
All participants agreed that Irrigazette’s articles are good and can be published on the website.
All agreed that the articles sent by the participant are interesting because of the crops’ approach, but too commercially oriented and not developed enough on the irrigation part. The articles will be reviewed and presented again for the next meeting.
Irrigation forum and Eima exhibition
Because of the uncertainty related to covid, it was decided that EIA won’t have a physical forum during the Eima exhibition, but a virtual forum one week before the event.
On Eima, EIA will share Irrigazette’s booth (16 square meters). WG 6 Participants and leaders gave ideas for the booth management :
- 2 posters : one with EIA members logo, one to present the association (slogan : « the voice of European Irrigation Industry»)
- Screen presentation of EIA with a nice video.
- Brochures with a QR code to visit the new website.
- Pins with EIA logo for members.
- EIA trophies or statuettes members could put on their booth/office.
The meeting was dynamic and the participants seemed interested in the activities of working group 6. The next meeting will be held on September 8.