EIA Working Group Training and Knowledge Transfer held a meeting on Friday 19 July
Elie Desrues (ED), Andreas Maurer (AM), Damir Cizmek (DC), Fleur martin (FM), Joao Florido (JF)
Meeting minutes
DC opened the meeting and reminded all participants that EIA official meetings must be held within the guidelines and restrictions provided in the EIA Code of Conduct.
He further informed the group of the presentation on the project “Basic landscape irrigation training course” he gave at the EIA Board meeting on 16 June, and of his discussion with Moshi Berenstein during their meeting in Aix-en-Provence on 20 June.
The conclusion from both meetings was that the work group must develop a more precise proposal to the Board concerning long term project sustainability, a more coherent explanation of the value of the course for participants, and a clear indication of the project’s contribution to overall improvement of irrigation water management. These clarifications are seen as prerequisite to approaching the Board for project approval and commitment to the proposed project’s budget.
The project budget as presented by DC suggests that the project can break even in 2026 and start generating revenue of approx. 16 k€ per year if based on 50 participants each year taking full course schedule (all 10 modules at the total cost of 500 € per participant).
ED commented the budget suggesting that the cost of course preparation planned for 2024 can be partially or completely moved to 2025.
All present agreed it is not likely to succeed in attracting 50 participants willing to pay 500 € in 2025 only through standard promotion activities.
DC proposed to approach manufacturers and distributors among EIA members and propose they commit to buying a certain number of 500 € course vouchers which they can use for awarding their customers such as contractors, consultants, landscapers, etc.. Such commitment would be needed for first two years, after which the project will generate positive balance with the minimum of 20 participants per year.
DC will further discuss the proposal with Bruno and Moshi and eventually present the proposal at the next Board meeting.
The discussion on the value of the course for participants acknowledged that it differs depending on the region. While the course is somehow competing with existing courses in developed markets (France, Spain Italy), or may be less attractive in Germany where professionals look for national level competence certification, there is traditionally higher demand for such courses in CEE countries where irrigation training is less available.
Furthermore, most of irrigation training in Europe is organized by manufacturers or dealers and is often brand bonded. The EIA course may stand out as the only international brand-free course available.
While the EIA certificate may not have immediate recognition in the industry it will be up to EIA members to build its value through promotion and create the demand for it.
Committing to buying course vouchers and sustaining the project over first two years, with proper promotion strategy supported by members may eventually build up the EIA certificate recognition within the industry.
All participants agreed the coming trade shows GaLaBau, Nuernberg in September and EIMA, Bologna in November provide opportunities to test the proposal with industry players. The key opportunity is the EIA reception during EIMA show where the project should be officially presented, with asking for firm commitment from members to buying course vouchers in 2025 and 2026.
To move ahead with the project ED confirmed he is willing to work on the first block of three course modules even prior to having green light from the Board which would allow for planning the pilot online course for late November 2024.
ED emphasized the need to establish the EIA course vetting committee which would facilitate the course preparation process. JF committed to participate in the committee and Bruno Molle confirmed his commitment in the last WG meeting on 14 June 2024.
The process will include ED preparing
All present agreed it is important to recruit three to four more committee members representing key industry players to avoid any future reservations to the course content coming from key members.
DC will contact Bruno and Moshi over next couple of weeks to identify a few preferred committee members and approach them for their commitment.
DC will also approach Moshi and the Secretariat to allow for a 45 to 60 min. presentation of the project and discussion at the next Board meeting (scheduled for 27 September), including voting about the green light to the project.
The board will also be approached to approve the cost of Moodle subscription and user training, while the complete project budget approval can be moved after completing the pilot online course and the review of participant’s satisfaction report.
In case of any disruption in the project time line, an alternative deadline for the pilot online course is set for end of February 2024.
Next meeting will be scheduled for beginning of September.
Minutes drafted by DC