EIA Working Group Training and Knowledge Transfer held a meeting on 14 June 2024

EIA Working Group Training and Knowledge Transfer held a meeting on 14 June 2024


Elie Desrues (ED), Andreas Maurer (AM), Damir Cizmek (DC), Fleur martin (FM), Bruno Molle (BM)


Meeting minutes

DC opened the meeting and reminded all participants that EIA official meetings must be held within the guidelines and restrictions provided in the EIA Code of Conduct.

ED presented the notes on training development and the Moodle platform for online training which he shared prior to the meeting (document attached to these minutes).


Further discussion developed around the following topics:


Content vetting and approval for training modules:

  • The EIA should form the committee which will vet the content of each module as prepared and submitted by ED.
  • DC will present the topic at the next EIA Board meeting. Key industry players (EIA members) must commit to participate in the committee. ED shared the format for updating comments based on the format used by the ISO committees.
  • DC and BM will participate the committee, DC will handle systematization and filtration of comments.


Online platforms:

  • The platform Moodle is proposed as the most appropriate for course management. The platform can handle registration, payment, document upload, testing, successful pass or test fail notifications.
  • BM, FM and ED will have to take training course with Moodle service provider to master all the platform functions needed for EIA courses upload, delivery and administration. Anticipated training costs were added to the budget proposal.
  • BM to be assigned as administrator for the platform.
  • Further decision needs to be taken about conferencing tool to be used for course delivery (Teams, Zoom, Google meet, other …).


Course delivery

  • Focus on live courses for 2024 and 2025. Prerecorded courses can be organized later by recording the live courses.
  • Each course module to take about 45 minutes, all 10 modules to be grouped in 3 to 4 live online events, each event to include testing.
  • Participants to be allowed to engage only through chat, video engagement may be time consuming and difficult to manage.
  • ED anticipates testing with about 6 questions per module. Two to three times more hidden questions shall be developed for random selection for each event.
  • Passing the test will require 70% to 80% correct answers.



  • Attendance of each live event will generate mail notification to the participant about passing or failing the test. FM and DC will prepare wording for the notifications.
  • Certificate of completion will be issued only after successful completion of all 10 modules.
  • FM will administer issuance and delivery of certificates.
  • Certificates will have no validity date or renewal requirements.



  • The work group discussed the budget for 2024 and 2025. Draft budget proposal is attached to these minutes.
  • FM will inquire with web site developer about the costs for EIA website additions and with Alienor for bookkeeping cost per additional invoice (up to 150 invoices expected in 2024 and 2025).


Project timeline

  • Target deadline for delivery of first online course (3 modules) is end of November 2024 to benefit from promotion opportunities during GaLaBau and EIMA shows.
  • Overall target is to complete two full cycles of 10 modules (altogether 6 online events) by end of 2025.



  • FM and DC to work on promotion documents.
  • EIA members will be expected to support the project by sending firs participants (new employed sales personnel, subsidize participation for their business partners and customers) and helping to promote the program.



DC and BM to approach Moshi and Alienor to check if the budget should be presented for approval at the GA, which takes place one week before the Board meeting.


Next WG4 meeting will be scheduled for beginning of July, pending decisions od the GA and the Board.

Minutes drafted by DC.

To join this WG, please e-mail to :  communication@irrigationeurope.eu