EIA Working Group Sustainability in Agriculture held a Meeting on Feb 21 2022
Participants : Giulia Giuffrè, Irritec (WG Leader) – Giusy Inferrera, Irritec – Paolo Antini, Sentek – Stefania De Pirro, Rivulis – Ido Raanan, Netafim – Pablo Carnicero, Regaber – Pablo Carnicero, Regaber – Sophie Gendre, Arvalis – Javier Juárez, Azud
The WG leader, Giulia Giuffrè, welcomed the participants and opened the meeting.
She reminded participants about the EIA Code of Conduct and the necessary need to respect its provisions at all times during and around the meeting, including breaks.
The agenda and the minutes of the last meeting were approved.
After the welcome and the presentation form the new member Javier Juárez, from Azud, it’s been checked and updated of the list of Associations and related contacts, present at the following link which can be accessed by all members of the WG: Organization and People of influence in Europe List.xlsx
People of Influence:
Moshi Berenstein shared by email the following inputs to the meeting:
Last week Moshi has created a contact with the coalition of FARMINGFIRST a global coalition for sustainable agricultural development
He’s participated in their Dialogue on the topic of “Precision agriculture techniques to use resources more efficiently” and you can find attached the summary of the event.
Moshi has also had a meeting with Farming First last Friday (Pontus Bergmark and Sara) together with Fleur Martin EIA Communivcation officer. Options for collaboration was discussed. We decided that to do a press release on the support of the EIA in their activities, and they will promote the EIA in their social network. Fleur will take care of the communication.
Certification labels:
- Pablo shared some information about H3 (from Spain) https://www.h3huellahidrica.es/
Giusy found https://friendoftheearth.org/standards-and-certifications/
Plastic collecting and recycling in agriculture
- We had a discussion about names of organizations. We’ll continue to fill the list.
- We will invite other participants to join a sub-group “Plastic collecting and recycling in agriculture”. Starting from the board members.
To join this group, please send an email to : communication@irrigationeurope.eu.