EIA Working Group Communication held a Meeting on Monday 2 September
The EIA WG Communication held a meeting on September 2, 2024 / 10h00 – 11h00
Main topic : preparation of Eima exhibition
November 6 – 10, 2024
Participants : Keith Bellin, Irritec – Vicky Barbouti, Rivulis – Giusy Inferrera, Irritec – Bruno Perroni, Lindsay – Soren Busk, Crysberg – Tulay Durgun, Poelsan.
Excused : Céline Palvadeau, Netafim.
Fleur Martin welcomed the participants and explained them the objective of the meeting : preparation of Eima exhibition which will be held in November, in Bologna – Italy
- Stand design
- Cocktail party – November 7, 18h00 – 20h00
Stand design
Fleur Martin showed the stand the EIA got two years ago. She explained that it was an exchange (communication about Eima on Irrigazette and EIA websites against the stand with basic furnishings). That she didn’t expect to be in this place, in the middle of a passageway, with a stand completely open to the outside. At the beginning she was upset but finally, it was a strategic emplacement, generating lots of contacts.
We will have the same stand this year but the challenge is to improve the stand design. Fleur Martin said to participants that the budget will be more important this year. Sha asked the participants how to improve the stand ?
First, Fleur Martin proposed to close the stand with two large planters and green plants, to be less open to the outside. The participants all thought it was a good idea, creating a feeling of well-being and in perfect harmony with our industry.
Then Fleur Martin showed the participants the posters used at the last Eima show (presentation of the association and map of members’ logos) and asked them their feedback and suggestions for other posters.
Remarks of the participants :
The poster of presentation looks fine but could be better writing ‘European Irrigation Association” bigger and to enlarge the logo. The poster with the members’ logos look great !
The participants remarked that we have 3 nice walls in the back on which we can print more posters :
- List of the recent actions accomplished by the association.
- Presentation of the 6 WG.
- Map of the exhibitions halls with a special mentions for EIA members. The stand should be seen as a meeting point of the irrigation industries members.
- Call for actions ! how to become members, 30 % discount for the new comers, future EIA activities/Events…
Giusy Inferrera mentioned the round table project on taxonomy which might take place in Bruxelles in December. Eima is the opportunity to communicate about this event, in case it happened.
Fleur Martin also mentioned the major e-learning project led by Damir Cizmek (Working Group 4), which should see the light of day during 2025. Damir wants to use Eima to communicate about the project.
Video :
Giusy Inferrera, the WG Taxonomy leader, suggested to show a video on the stand. FM said she will ask the show organizers a quote to rent a TV.
It will be the opportunity to communicate about the two important topics of WG1 (Sustainability in Agriculture) : Plastic recycling and Taxonomy. Giusy Inferrera remarked that we already have lots of materials (PowerPoints) about Taxonomy.
Brochures :
FM showed the participants the brochure in 4 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, French) and told them a German version will be available soon. The brochures will be distributed on the EIA stand. Fleur Martin will give some brochures to the members, so their could propose them to their customers on their stand.
How many brochures should we print ? Giusy Inferrera (Irritec) said that we shouldn’t print too much brochures because of environment. It is better to propose to the visitors a digital version with the QR code.
Members’ booths :
The members proposed to FM the opportunity to promote the association on their stand. FM will send them the logo in high resolution, the QR code of the EIA website, and they can display them somewhere on their stand.
How we said before, they will also distribute some brochures on their booth.
Participants also proposed to spend some time on the EIA booth, to help and show they are members.
As two years ago, the EIA will hold a cocktail-party on Thursday 7 November (18h – 20h) on the trade fair floor, very close to the halls 21 and 22. This cocktail will be the opportunity to make a point on the strong development of the association, the two last year’s activities of the association and the roadmap for 2025.
Fleur Martin showed the 2022 invitation. Vicky Barbouti (Rivulis) said that the image is poor and don’t catch the attention.
Soren Bursk (Crysberg) remarked that the text is too long, especially the introduction. We must use lss words and leave more space for the picture.
The message should be that it is the place to meet the colleagues of the irrigation industry (important of networking).
For summary, a which make a good communication is :
- Nice pic (field, sun ….) which attracts the view.
- Short text, a few words.
- QR code.
Giusy Inferrera insisted of the fact that we should put a QR code on the invitation, to access to the cocktail room (people get lost three years ago !).
FM thanked all the participants for their active participations and ideas. The next WG6 meeting will be held beginning of December
Summary by: Fleur Martin
To join this group, please send an email to : communication@irrigationeurope.eu