EIA WG #2 Urban Landscape held a kick-off meeting on May 25, 2024

EIA WG #2 Urban Landscape held a kick-off meeting on May 25, 2024


Participants :  M.Fayaud, R.Rederis, S.Casanella, S.Tomas, B.Molle.

Excused :  X.Botrel


After a short introduction of attendees, listing the different questions that was raised by members in the last months: skills of staffs and difficulty to recruit; evaluation manual/methods of offers/projects; certification of projects, workers; defining irrigation efficiency for Urban landscape; location of sensors and processing of signal… 

The questions of skills and certification of staff will be discussed in WG4 on Training&Education.  The question of certification of projects enters in the scope of this WG but was not discussed this time.

From the attendance the first challenges and Idea to work on appears to be Determining the Efficiency of Irrigation Systems in Urban Areas:

  • How to define it?
    • Collection of bibliography on this topic: existing technical or normative documents offering definitions and assessment of irrigation system efficiency, according to the objectives targeted (greening, temperature mitigation, water saving, water productivity…), stored on a common share point;
    • A collective mind map on the concept of “irrigation system efficiency” to identify key issues, described in the form of technical criteria is to be prepared and discussed at the next meeting.
  • Apart from the quality of components, one of the key factors in irrigation efficiency is the understanding of concepts that requires:
    • A minimum knowledge and skills from the operators: dealers, designers, installers, and last but not least end-users;
    • Participating Members all agree on the critical need to raise the technical level of professionals and provide relevant support tools: on design methods, watering practices, techniques, and technologies used.

Objective and Deliverable for the Group:

  • A practical document setting out efficiency criteria for irrigation:
    • Both in terms of the performance of the installations themselves and the performance of their use;
    • This document will be designed to be used by decision-makers to support tender elaboration, that could be annexed as a contractual appendix to specifications.
  • Defining the contour of specific training sessions in connection with WG Training and Education.

Auditing of installation was mentioned too as a key subject by Miguel Agostinho (Hortus) and Joao Florida (Norma) that was not attending… to be discussed further.

Links :


Summary by: Bruno Molle

To join this group, please send an email to : communication@irrigationeurope.eu