EIA announces the foundation of the “sustainable plastic use in irrigation WG” (PWG)

EIA announces the foundation of the "sustainable plastic use in irrigation WG" (PWG)

Recently the EIA board has approved the foundation of the “sustainable plastic use in irrigation WG” (PWG) under the sustainability WG.

The purpose of this WG is to advance the responsible use of plastic in irrigation in the EU market.

We call any interested members here to reach out to us to be added to the WG.

During the first meeting of the WG, we’ll review the suggested scope of work and routines.

We’ll complete the assembly of the WG members by March 31, and following we’ll set a date for the first meeting.


To join this group, please contact :                  

Fleur Martin, EIA Communiation Officer – communication@irrigationeurop.eu

Ido Raanan (Netafim) PWG’s leader –  Ido.Raanan@netafim.com